We want to give you the best platform possible for connecting with buyers, so we have a VIP Buyer programme so that we can help give your key customers a great buying experience.
Nominate Hosted Buyers
Here you can nominate up to 5 key buyers to be gifted one night’s complimentary accommodation at the K West Hotel & Spa. They will also receive access to our VIP Indigo Lounge throughout the duration of the show, where they can enjoy free refreshments and snacks, and have access to discounts for bars and restaurants in the local area.
Criteria for a Hosted Buyer is as follows:
• Has not attended Top Drawer in the past year
• Is an international buyer, or buyer from further afield in the UK
To nominate your buyers, please complete the form below
Please return the completed form to buyerhosting@clarionevents.com
* All contacts supplied must be GDPR compliant.
Please note that rooms are limited and nominating a buyer does not guarantee that they will be a Hosted Buyer. Those who do not qualify or are not allocated accommodation as part of programme will be upgraded to a VIP pass so that they can still enjoy the Indigo Lounge and its benefits.
Nominate VIP Buyers
Here you can nominate your key buyers to be upgraded to have a VIP pass. As a VIP they will have access to our exclusive Indigo Lounge where they will have access to complimentary cloakroom facilities, and refreshments and nibbles.
To nominate your buyers, please complete this form and send it to buyerhosting@clarionevents.com
* All contacts supplied must be GDPR compliant.