Day In The Life Of: Raspberry Blossom
Early bird catches the worm...
A typical Raspberry Blossom day starts off with Mark and Rebecca opening up the Leamington office after the nursery drop off, slightly bleary eyed from the lack of sleep the night before. Shortly followed by Kelly the queen of our studio operations and card packing extraordinaire and Nicol our administrative hero who keeps everything running smoothly.
Rebecca sets to work designing all things new, whether that be designing exciting colour infused collections, mood boarding on Pinterest or chatting to our Norfolk based brilliant designer Mia.
Mark is always first to sync up the office speaker to his, sometimes questionable, Spotify playlists and is usually first on the scene to make everyone an above average tea or coffee! Mark runs the Sales, Marketing and Operations side of the business, and you will find him head down tackling his admin list with a call to Liz from our Sales Team somewhere in between.
Nicol is usually the first out of the team to complain she is cold (even with 3 layers on) whilst huddled round her ‘tea-rrific’ mug of tea. Nicol’s morning consists of replying to customer enquiries, printing out any new orders, and organising which orders are being dispatched that day, but most importantly discussing what everyone watched on TV the night before!
Kelly is first in the warehouse and is solely in control of the warehouse music which has since been christened ‘Kelly FM’, which seems to only play Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Britney Spears, Boy George and Christmas songs. These Christmas songs are not only played at Christmas, but also throughout the year and in the height of summer! Kelly’s first port of call is touring the warehouse floor to make sure all is in order for a busy day ahead of picking, packing and stock taking.
Did someone say 'lunch'...
Lunch is limited to a quick bite to eat from the local CO-OP, whilst sifting through the latest newspaper for the daily crossword which has become a bit of a team ritual.
The work never stops...
Afternoons can vary for our small team, Nicol and Kelly are making sure all orders are picked, banded and packed with the correct paperwork ahead of order pick up at 3pm by our lovely delivery driver Bal.
Mark and Rebecca tag team with the nursery pick up so their afternoons vary from day to day. For Mark, afternoons are about securing new business for RB, whether that be calling up customers to check card performance, pulling together decks to pitch to new distributors or working on new marketing strategies.
Rebecca’s afternoons consist of tackling the larger design projects forecasted and liaising with our UK based printers on super exciting newness and collaborations happening in 2023!
As the day winds down...
After the madness of the kid’s dinner, bath and bed routine Rebecca loves to hop into bed with her electric blanket draped over her, Ipad for drawing in one hand and the TV remote in the other to sift through Netflix. If Mark isn’t still in the office putting up white boards or constructing new shelves, you will find him relaxing with a whiskey in hand and sport on the radio. Kelly loves nothing more than settling down for the evening with lots of cuddles from her gorgeous Labrador Tamah, whilst Nicol unwinds by cooking dinner, getting all cosy in the living room and watching some great reality tv.
Phew, after a busy day at Raspberry Blossom HQ, you can't blame them for needing some rest & relaxation in the evening. Explore their cards on their website, click here to visit.